Cybersecurity, Managed Security Services

5 Ways SageNet’s Cybersecurity Team Provides Value

March 2019
Sagenet Ciso
By Paul Truitt

In its annual survey of IT professionals, Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) asks about skills gaps that are impacting their organizations. Each year, cybersecurity tops the list of skills shortage, and the problem is getting worse. For the 2018-2019 survey, 53 percent of respondents reported cybersecurity skills gaps. That’s up from 51 percent in 2017, 45 percent in 2016 and 42 percent in 2015.

ESG conducts a separate annual survey in conjunction with the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA). Results of the 2018 study aren’t yet available, but the 2017 report found that the cybersecurity skills shortage continues to worsen and is causing business problems that impact 70 percent of organizations. 

As cybersecurity threats increase in both frequency and sophistication, organizations need access to cybersecurity professionals with a deep knowledge of security tools and architectures, and a thorough understanding of legal and regulatory compliance issues. Additionally, these pros should have a business background and experience working with an executive team, a board of directors and key stakeholders.

Such skills and experience don’t come cheap — cybersecurity experts command a six-figure salary. Mid-market organizations with resource and budget limitations simply can’t compete for top talent. 

SageNet offers an extremely effective alternative with its cybersecurity consulting and professional services. The SageNet cybersecurity team works on an as-needed basis to provide guidance for a range of tactical and strategic goals. Here are a few of the ways we can provide value:

  1. Instant Expertise. SageNet’s cybersecurity team has extensive IT security experience and deep knowledge of accepted best practices. That means they can hit the ground running with minimal training. Best of all, customers get on-demand access to experts with different specializations. 
  2. Professional Relationships. Established relationships with vendors, analysts and experienced professionals give our cybersecurity experts access to a broad knowledgebase they can use to quickly formulate and initiate a plan of action when problems arise. In addition, they can apply lessons learned from working within multiple environments across a diverse range of industries.
  3. Varied Skillsets. In addition to identifying network vulnerabilities and developing security guidelines and standards, the SageNet team can help craft security policies related to the use of mobile devices, social media, cloud platforms and Internet of Things solutions. Our experts can also help customers meet regulatory compliance requirements. 
  4. Extreme Flexibility. SageNet can deliver a broad range of security services that can be ramped up or scaled down as needed to meet changing business requirements. Often, service levels can be adjusted up and down to match the priority of distinct systems or applications. 
  5. Organizational Neutrality. Because they work with a variety of organizations in many industries, SageNet’s cybersecurity experts tend to be vendor neutral with no particular agenda other than developing and implementing the best possible solutions. Likewise, they are immune from typical office politics, allowing them to work closely with other C-Suite executives to ensure that stakeholders understand and support key cybersecurity initiatives.

Malicious actors always find new ways to exploit vulnerabilities. That’s why organizations must stay abreast of likely attack vectors, employ a variety of security measures, and make sure that current tools and policies are up to date and being properly used. SageNet’s cybersecurity services provide a cost-effective way to gain access to the skills necessary to stay ahead of the latest threats.

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