Network Consulting Services

Optimize performance. Develop strategies. Mitigate risk.

Whether or not you use our Managed Network Services, our Network Consulting Services can help you optimize network performance, mitigate the risk of downtime and develop a network strategy that supports and enables your organization’s goals.

We offer a collaborative approach to Network Consulting. Leveraging more than 30 years’ experience working within some of the world’s most sophisticated networks, we work with you to determine networking needs (current and future), analyze your current network infrastructure and identify strengths and weaknesses – all while keeping your budgetary constraints in mind.

Our Network Consulting Services include:

Our network consulting services our tailored to deliver a blueprint that will optimize network performance while allowing for anticipated growth and technological advances. We align connectivity, security and reliability with your organization’s vision, all while lowering total cost of network ownership.

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    Network Design

    The best designs are built on a thorough understanding current and future needs, big picture vision and real-world demands.
    Network Architecture Design

    Our engineers consult with customers to develop appropriate design templates for Managed Network Services solutions that fully support customer’s applications.

    Capacity Planning

    Evaluation of current network usage and growth plans. Recommend per site bandwidth capacity and throughput, as well as total network capacity.

    QoS and Traffic Prioritization

    Enhance application performance by ensuring that high priority applications have priority access to available bandwidth.

    Legacy Protocol Support

    We enable customers to avoid costly capital upgrades while enhancing applications by supporting legacy serial protocols for Point-of-Sale (POS) devices.

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    Installation Support

    We support both Professional Installation Services, and Self Install. For seamless Self Install, we can provide pre-staging of equipment.
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    Transforming what designers and engineers dream into reality.

    Installation Managers serve as the customer’s point of contact and are responsible for scheduling site installations and the activation of Managed Network Services and terrestrial WAN connectivity (when provided by us).

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    Planning Services

    Per-site and network-wide, world-class networks are the result of world-class planning.

    For speed, coverage, security and reliability at lower costs, our Network Engineering Consultants can get you there faster and more efficiently. We begin with the end in mind. We evaluate your needs, for your business as a whole, and at each and every site. We look at your current requirements and we work with you to forecast future needs and opportunities. Our Network Engineering Consultants develop a plan to optimize your network architecture to accommodate both you current and future needs. We recommend per-site and network-wide capacity and creates a plan to optimize network performance. Our network-neutral strategy and experience with all connectivity methods (terrestrial, satellite, cellular, wireless) ensures the best connection to each site, regardless of vendor or technology.

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    Analysis & Assessment

    With 220,000 endpoints and more than 30 years' experience, we know what to ask, where to look and how best to address your network needs.

    Today’s competitive, economic and technological environments are dynamic… which means yesterday’s network may or may not be keeping pace. We currently service more than 220,000 end points and over 34 billion transactions annually. This real-world experience enables our Network Consultants to bring you the unbiased understanding and insight to bridge the gap between what’s working and what isn’t (both within your organization, and among your network service providers). Available as part of an overall contract, or an hourly fee basis, We can provide Network Analysis and overall Network Assessments, with recommendations for Network Optimization.

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    Forensics & Troubleshooting

    Our network engineers are always looking for trouble, and know what to do once they find it.

    Troubleshooting today’s vast, multi-technology/multi-carrier networks can present a challenge for even the most experienced in-house IT professionals. Our Network Engineering Consultants have decades of experience working within some of the world’s most sophisticated networks. Our Network Forensics and Troubleshooting brings you the tools, technology and insight to identify trouble spots, bottlenecks and vulnerabilities, and to proactively develop solutions to prevent, mitigate and resolve trouble before it starts.

It's time to Optimize

SageNet Network Consulting services can be an invaluable ally in the network optimization process. Our networking experts can help you create a standardized network architecture that better supports business growth. Quality of Service features will ensure the performance of latency-sensitive applications, while secure remote access will give users the resources they need without exposing private information.
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Interested in learning more about our managed services? Drop us a line - we would be thrilled to chat. We are our favorite subject, after all.