SageVIEW Experience Labs

Create - Integrate - Interact

Place-based digital signage is a horse of a different color. This is where your digital brand, your people, your products and your customers meet … at the point of purchase. This is a unique chance to turn content into an EXPERIENCE.

SageVIEW Experience Labs™ is a team of dedicated creatives, technologists and application specialists applying digital engagement best practices to help you navigate and achieve business objectives. Our teams specialize in content development, data integration, interactivity and analytics to optimize human-oriented, media-rich interactive digital experiences that engage, inspire and generate results.


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Content is King
Our teams know your buyers. We know what will grab their attention, and the types of content that will keep it. Without the right content, at best, your hardware means nothing. At worst, your signage can detract from your message, confuse visitors, and even leave them frustrated and upset.

With SageVIEW Experience Labs, we ensure that the end-to-end experience a customer has with your brand is maximized and measured.

With the 1.5-3 second window you have to capture an audience’s attention you’ve got to get creative. And we can help, with an array of content types:

  • Motion-graphics
  • Video
  • Interactive
  • Integrations
  • Live, on-demand feeds




Interactivity: Buyers Know Best.
Put the power of shopping into the hands of your customers – literally. With immersive and interactive digital signage, you connect shoppers to your brand, create a lasting impression and keep you ahead of the competition.

Interactive touchscreens enhance the in-store shopping experience by giving shoppers an opportunity to better understand the purchases they’re about to make. Shoppers can click around to learn more about products, read customer reviews and compare products, blurring the line between online and in-store.

This unique, place-based opportunity can provide location-specific digital offers, and enhance the full-scale shopping experience that will increase basket sizes and build brand affinity with your guests – keeping them coming back.

The Experience Labs team are shoppers, too. They understand the unparalleled opportunity that comes with blending the online and in-store experience.




Integrations: Keep the Conversation Going.
Communicating with your customers is key. Equally as important? Talking to your employees. But how do you do both? Make sure your external applications/tools are communicating with your digital signage.

By integrating with company databases and loyalty apps, you enhance the buying experience on all sides of the counter.

Loyalty Apps: Delivering more dynamic content to shoppers in real-time guides their shopping experience to make sure they walk out with just the right item to suit their needs (plus all the extras). Your store can integrate loyalty apps to personalize the buying journey. When a customer walks in, your tech can recognize their account and display deals and reminders pertinent to them. “Welcome Back, Friend! You last bought conditioner 2 weeks ago. Check out aisle 12 if you need more!”

Employee Integrations: You can integrate real-time, company-wide sales data with your digital signage to engage employees. Have sales goals you’re trying to meet? Display live feeds from your CRM onto your signage to encourage employees to meet those goals.

Our real-time data integration solutions make both your data and your signage rich and relevant.




Analytics: Build Today, See Tomorrow.
Once all of the content is ready and out there, we have the capability to ensure it’s working for you. With AI-driven analytics, we have the tools to measure foot traffic, customer demographics, and provide you marketing analytics to bring growth and profitability for your business today, tomorrow, to day 1,000 and beyond.

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